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Radionics |
Is Radionics? "WHAT IS RADIONICS?" "It is a method of healing at a distance through the medium of an instrument using the ESP faculty. In this way, a trained and competent practitioner can discover the cause of disease within any living system, be it a human being, an animal, a plant or the soil itself. Suitable therapeutic energies can then be made available to the patient to help restore optimum health. Radionics was was originated by a distinguished American physician , Doctor Albert Abrams (1863 - 1924) of San Francisco, and it has been developed by numerous other research workers and exponents including Ruth Drown, George de la Warr, T. Galen Hieronymus, Malcolm Rae and David Tansley. Basic to radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all other life forms share a common ground in that they are submerged in the electro-magnetic energy field of the earth; and further, that each life form has its own electromagnetic field which, if sufficiently distorted, will automatically in disease of the organism. Accepting that "all is energy", Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values which are known in Radionics as "rates", and radionic instruments are provided with calibrated dials on which such "rates" are set for analysis and treatment purposes. The radionic practitioner, in making his analysis, uses the principle of dowsing by applying his faculty of extra sensory perception to the problem of detecting disease in much the same way that the dowser detects the location of water, oil or mineral deposits. The particular form of ESP used in Radionics is often referred to as "the radiesthetic faculty" through which the practitioner, by means of a series of mentally posed questions, obtains information about the health of his patients to which the conscious thinking mind has no direct access." Fully
Automatic Radionics Unit... More on What Is Radionics? Radionics is a
method of healing, usually without physical contact with the patient,
with the help of specialized instruments, in conjunction with a special
faculty of extra-sensory perception (ESP) known as the radiesthetic
faculty. Healing, in this sense, does not necessarily confine itself
to humans, but extends to non-humans as well.
A radionic practitioner can work on humans, animals, plants, the soil, buildings, and the environment.
Now, this takes
us a little bit out of the question, so let's get back to it. Permeating
every created substance (or essence) in the universe is 'energy'. Physical
science does not tell us what energy is. It merely tells us that "energy
is the capacity to do work". What that 'capacity' is, it is incapable
of saying! Our attempted definition of 'energy' is 'that creative essence
in all things that allows all things to be'. This we hold as our working
definition. The radionic practitioner is a manipulator of this energy
to bring about harmony in his target (the patient) where there has been
a disruption or imbalance in its flow. Have Radionic Instruments Been Scientifically Validated? This depends on
what we mean by 'scientific validation'. If what we mean is whether
radionic instruments have been tested and found to obey the laws of
physics or that of material science, our answer is 'No'. The framework
of material science and that of radionics are different, so it is difficult
to use one to evaluate or validate the other.
radionic practitioners know that their instruments serve only as extensions
of their diagnostic (not in the orthodox sense) and healing faculties.
On their own, the instruments do absolutely nothing. Now, this bring
up the question: why do some practitioners shell out a lot of money
for very expensive instruments, some with outrageous claims that boggle
the mind? This is where choice comes in. It might well be that such
practitioners build thoughtforms of greater efficacy around such instruments
and they might well have better results due to this.
How Does Radionics Work? Previously the answer to this question was "we don't know", and we left it at that. Today researchers in energy medicine, and other sciences are beginning to investigate the 'hows' of radionics and are coming out with pretty good information and observations. But this information is not from the so called double-blind and rigidly controlled studies that have ever been the bedrock of conventional western sciences despite their divergence from the way normal life is lived. Please note, this
is not an attack on western scientific methodology. It's just that its
thinking is confined to the third dimension. There are other dimensions
of reality unbeknown to conventional science(see quantum physics).
Now, the question was 'how does radionics work?' Although we have been involved in radionics for well over 20 years now, we can not honestly give an answer that will satisfy the ordinary mind. It is more like asking, 'how does prayer work?'. This reminds me of a saying by one of my computer teachers who used to say "You don't need to know how the computer works but you need to know how to work the computer". Radionics works, and those who have experienced it know this. Probably, we don't have to know how it works but we need to know how to make it work. What Kind of Health Disorders Does Radionics Handle? Let us begin by correcting one misconception here. A radionic practitioner doesn't treat any health condition. To treat, you must diagnose. And to diagnose means, giving a label that meets certain rigid parameters based on what can be measured or quantified in the physical laboratory. Radionic practitioners work on the premises that all diseases and health disorders, irrespective of what names or labels are attached to them, boil down to one thing....energy imbalances. The names or the diagnoses we give to them only reflect the locations and the effects of these energy imbalances on the overall body system. If we could detect and correct these energy imbalances, wellness will be restored to the sufferer. This will happen no matter what names were given to the manifested clinical signs and symptoms in the first case. Radionics seeks to do just this...restore balance.... and it does it marvelously.
Radionics can handle all manifestations of energy imbalances that externalize as named diseases. It can penetrate into levels and dimensions of reality yet inaccessible to conventional medicine. Because of this it can do a better job of effecting a return to health in most seemingly intractable cases. Almost
all diseases and illnesses treatable by western conventional medicine
could be helped by radionic therapy. It is not a cure-all kind of discipline
though, and it is, sometimes, very restricted in physical interventionist
care. In many instances radionic healing and conventional medicine can
co-exist to the betterment of the patient
Type of Drugs Are Used In Radionic Healing?
Radionic practitioners do not use drugs in the sense it is done in conventional medicine. Being natural healers, they work with energy in the form of potentized remedies that carry etheric imprints of the therapeutic substance. These remedies are not chemicals or pharmaceuticals. Because of this they do not have the toxic effects seen in conventional medicine. Rremedies used in radionic practice include homeopathic medicine, flower essences, gem elixirs, color essences, planetary remedies, vitamins and minerals, and tissue salts. Potentized conventional remedies may also be used. The remedies, being
potentized energy patterns, do not exert their effects according to
the quantity taken but rather according to the frequency of administration.
Thus one drop is as effective as one gallon, provided they are taken
at the same time.
Is A Radionic Analysis?
A radionic analysis
is the process by which a practitioner finds out all the factors that
are involved in the manifestations of the illness and disease the patient
presents with.
In a radionic analysis
the aim is not to categorize a condition by way of a diagnostic term
but to find out ALL the factors that have contributed to the clinical
presentations of the patient. Such factors could reside in the body
physical, the etheric body, the emotional body, or the mental body.
They could even have their domain outside of these. Often
times, factors that neither the patient nor the practitoner suspected
might show up during an analysis as the underlying cause of an illness.
The aim of the radionic practitioner is to isolate these factors, prioritize
them, and then embark on their correction or "balancing the patient"
as we popularly refer to this procedure. Priority correction or harmonization
is the key to a successful radionic healing.
What form does a radionic analysis take? A radionic analysis
may take different forms depending on the school of thought the practitioner
trained or belongs. In the early 70s, a new concept was introduced into radionics by David Tansley, D.C. That concept took into account man's subtle anatomy. The etheric, astral (or emotional), the mental, and causal bodies came to be incorporated into radionic analysis by some practitioners. Analysis of the chakras also was added. No doubt, this considerably extended the scope and efficacy of radionics. Dr.
Tansley did not end there. In the 80s he took further steps and introduced
the concept of Ray Energies into radionic practice. This concept, though
difficult to grasp by some practitioners, further elevated radionic
healing into the pinnacle of a truly holistic healing art. This was
so because, for the first time in radionic practice, man's link with
the cosmos and the primordial creative force could be intelligently
applied. The subject of Ray Energies is vast and we shall devote another
time to its exploration.
Some practitioners incorporate concepts derived from Oriental Medicine (such as acupuncture meridian energies), Tibetan Medicine and Psychiatry, and Cosmobiology, into radionics. This has not only led to increased efficiency and made therapies more potent, but has further demonstrated that radionics is a a very highly effective healing tool whose only limitation is the limitation of the human mind. |